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eBook: Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteerism

V. Krebs,
21 septembre 2009

For its 10th anniversary, ICVolunteers has mobilized its international network of volunteers with a call for creative photography. As a result, 350 pictures were received, showing views from 60 countries. 88 of them were exhibited and are reproduced in this book. The journey leads through five continents from China to Peru through India, Kazakhstan and Nigeria.

ICVolunteers, which operates in the fields of communication and conference support, develops field projects. The organization works with a network of 10,000 volunteers worldwide and considers sustainable development and ecological dimension as a powerful lever for the good of all. Climate change is a palpable threat.

ICV stresses through its field projects, how civil society can empower themselves through proactive activities for knowledge and protection of the environment.

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