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WWV Home / Library / Library Workshop on the Follow-up of the Internati

Workshop on the Follow-up of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001)

International Cooperation among Organizations working with Volunteers
19 July 2002

International Conference Center, 15, rue Varembé, 1202 Genève, Room 15 (level -1)

Interesting questions

One delegate asked for an explanation of the difference between volunteering and volunteerism. Mr. de Raad said that he sees volunteering as the act of doing and volunteerism as the concept of civic engagement.

Another delegate asked Dr. Sfeir-Younis what he meant by investing in volunteerism. Dr. Sfeir-Younis replied that he included investing in skill development and ensuring that there are means for the sharing of local expertise internationally. He also said that institutional or corporate money is not always the best source of funding and that funding from individuals may, in some cases, be better because it is free of the political influence that accompanies, for example, money from an individual government.

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