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...more Library - Volunteerism & ICTs

This expression was initially used in UN circles and the Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). "ICTs" stands for Information and Communication Technologies, referring to technologies used for communication purposes. An ICT volunteer is a person who conducts activities around ICT that is necessarily in line or not.

We found thirty-five matches.

Transfert du savoir, Volontariat et Internet
Sylvie Niombo. Oct 2003.

Contexte More...

Report of the Meeting at the European Volunteer Center
CEV, Oct 2003.

Brussels, Belgium, 10 October 2003
Representatives from Belgium, Spain, Germany, Scotland, Switzerland, Romania, the Czech Republic, the UK and the Netherlands discussed ICTs and Volunteerism in Europe. More...

Joint Statement from the United Nations Volunteers and the Volunteer Family of the International Civil Society Bureau
Jul 2003.

Statement presented in the Governmental Plenary of the Intersessional Meeting in Paris of the World Summit on the Information Society, 18 July 2003
Paris, 18 July 2003 -- Madam ChairPerson, distinguished members of the Government Delegations, colleagues from the Observers group, Ladies and Gentlemen:. More...
Click to Download paris_fr.doc (24.5K)

Position of the European Volunteer Centre (CEV) on "Volunteering and the New Information and Communication Technologies"
CEV. Jan 2003.

WSIS Contributions on Volunteering and ICTs
Position of the European Volunteer Centre (CEV) on "Volunteering and the New Information and Communication Technologies". More...

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