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Voluntarism: The WOUGNET Experience

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Milton Aineruhanga, Program Officer -- WOUGNET
23 October 2003

5. WOUGNET Volunteer Program

While WOUGNET may run several projects a year on a voluntary basis, we have two (2) permanent voluntary based programs. These are;

1). The World Space Satellite Radio Program (WSRP), initiated in August 2002 to make the World Space radio available to members with difficulties accessing the Internet. The WorldSpace Foundation's mission is to help improve the lives of disadvantaged persons in developing regions of the world by providing access to education and other information broadcast directly to radios from satellites. The World Space radios when connected to a computer help users to access web based information without having to use the usual method of accessing information from the Internet (e.g., dialup, wireless or cable connections).

WOUGNET volunteers install, train and support the beneficiaries. They are introduced to a new information delivery technology. The demonstration shows how a simple satellite radio can be used to disseminate information to a large number of people in different geographical locations for wider dissemination to local communities. Connected to a computer, the radios help users access web based information without the usual Internet access methods such as dialup or wireless. Each organisation is loaned a WorldSpace receiver for a period of up to 3 months, during which time the volunteer is available for support at all times. At the end of the period, an organisation that wishes to continue using the technology will be assisted to acquire a receiver of it’s own. For more information about the WSRP, visit

2). The other permanent voluntary basis project is the WebDesign Program. Websites can be a beneficial tool for making contacts, forging partnerships, fundraising, and marketing services and crafts. The WebDesign program is a partnership of WOUGNET and InterConnection to donate websites to WOUGNET members that meet InterConnection's criteria for website donation. InterConnection's mission is to provide the Internet and computer technology and training to underserved communities in developing countries.

Commonly, NGO’s ask, "What resources are available for non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations in developing countries that want to set up their own web site?" In the WebDesign program, InterConnection volunteers develop websites and a local WOUGNET WebDesign volunteer assists the organisation with completion of the Website Donation Form and provide appropriate content as well as with reviewing and providing feedback to the organisation's web designer during development of the website. A list of websites that have been developed under the WebDesign program is available at For more information about the WebDesign program, contact For information about InterConnection, visit their website at

These are only two examples of WOUGNET programs operating on a purely voluntary basis to achieve our mission to promote and support the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) by women organisations as well as individuals for the better being of Ugandan women. Emphasis is directed towards email and the web, and how these technologies can be integrated with traditional means of information exchange and dissemination for maximum outreach.

Currently, WOUGNET has only two (2) full-time staff, and therefore volunteers are continually sought to assist WOUGNET's activities to promote and support the use of ICTs among women and women organisations in Uganda.

Volunteer requirements:

  • Available for six-month period, renewable
  • Know how to use email and the Internet
  • Have regular access to email (minimum 2 times a week)
  • Female volunteers are especially encouraged

Volunteer activities:
There are a variety of activities that volunteers can participate in, based on their interest and skills, including:

  • Participate in WOUGNET activities including TechTips, WebDesign
  • Source information of interest to WOUGNET members
  • Prepare and write content for posting on WOUGNET website and mailing list
  • Set up and administer/moderate discussion lists
  • Participate in maintaining WOUGNET website
  • Track ICT developments/projects involving Ugandan women and women organisations

Volunteer training:
Volunteer assignments are made based on the applicant's skill set and the tasks available. On-the-job training is provided on how to participate in the WOUGNET activities. Participation in WOUGNET activities requires knowledge of how to use email and the Internet. Volunteers are expected to have these skills and therefore no such training is provided. In addition, experience with user support or Internet training is required for volunteers interested in participating in the TechTips program.

Volunteer benefits:
While the volunteer positions are unpaid, volunteers will be profiled on the WOUGNET website. The profiles will include activities undertaken and resume of the volunteer. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to improve their ICT skills.

Application Process:
Applications’ including CV, an expression of why one is interested in volunteering and one’s availability should be sent to Applications will be reviewed by the WOUGNET Administration Board and feedback provided within two weeks. There is no deadline for applications, but volunteer assignments will be based, in part, on the availability of work activities.

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