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Report (Part 3): Sustainable Development Convention 2002

Volunteer Reporters
31 Octubre 2002

Global Youth TV: Online Learning

Time: 30 October 2002, 14:30-15:30 Location: Chair: Presenters/ Participants: Jo Hill One World multi media producer
Emma Inter Youth
Phil Darley film producer
Chris Scheupp UNICEF ? Young peoples media network in Europe and Central Asia (based on Art.13 Rights of Child) Reporter: Andermatt (ICVolunteers) Languages: English Key words:

In introducing One world TV Jo Hill Media Producer from One World TV briefly explained One World TV recognition of mass media focus on entertainment and the need to both engage film makers in a Forum on Sustainable Development and to empower Youth with a Forum of their own.
One world Youth Zone Miss Hill said was that forum and was, in collaboration with projects such as the UNESCO "Growing up in cities 2 program, making Youth key players in recognizing needs of communities and making sustainable change.

Miss Hill said further that One World Youth Zone aims to equip and train youth to use IT as active process, as Education and advocacy tool and as platform for reaching global Youth ( and other) audiences involved in Sustainable Development.

Mr Phil Darley Film producer spoke and gave a visual presentation of the UNESCO Growing up in Cities project, highlighting one such project with South African Children and Youth who had brought about positive and measurable changes within their community by using media technology. Mr Darley also briefly explained the " Tri sector partnership" model in which Civil society, Government and Private sector and gave ( could ) work together to create sustainable development programs.
Giving examples from "Growing up in City " Mr Darley said that in this way children and Youth can and are well able to become effective Ambassadors for change appropriate their own needs..
Chris Scheupp from ENICEF outlined his work in Young peoples media network in Europe and Central Asia ( based on Art.13 Rights of Child) with a visual display and emphasized the role of Youth as reliable reporters in Sustainable development
Mr Scheupp further emphasised the need for Youth reporters at all major Summits both as participants and as reporters,for Mentors to pass relevant reporting skills to Youth, Internships from major Media Organizations, Sponsors for a Youth Media Fair to showcase Youth Media achievements and Hardware equipment grants.
Mr Scheupp also outlined a new exciting and innovative new project which wil be launched in 2003 "The one minute Junior project " ? a Award scheme for the best one minute Video produced by a young person.

The floor was then opened for discussion and comments
Mrs Virgina Williams from Ventures Worldwide gave the panel useful information on a forthcoming Youth peace summit to be organized in Niarobi 2004
Mrs. Andermatt, ICV said that she felt she was a 3x16 years old who still raged against adults who were deaf to Youth and that the future of other " 3/16 ragers" lay in the hands of Youth and visa verse.

Did Panel members made a 'conciensious tilt' in favor of women and girls?
Emma from Inter Youth replied that this tended not to be an issue for Youth. Whether male of female it made little difference when they were not being heard. Adults needed to listen to both
One delegate cautioned against too heavy an emphasis on " one size fits all!" or genderising, saying the challenge was to position youth in middle of all decision making processes.
How did Panel members stop Adults infiltrating their projects with their own agendas?
Mr Chris Scheuppreplied until the age of 25 most people do not not think in terms of agenda, give them the camera and they will record what is important to them not what is important to the adult..
On the question of youth participation at summits and conferences a Youth Participant pointed out that Youth were often treated as cute or nice, not taken seriously or treated with the respect and were seldom seen as to have capacities and to be a valuable resource for the future Sustainable Development work.. Media needs to be in hands of those most affected - the Youth themselves.

The main outcome of seminar

  1. A consensus that there is a need to integrate and encourage active youth
    participation in all Summits
  2. Young journalists need to be equipped with tools for social action and Youth engaged in social action tools need training for effective journalism.
  3. Jo hill One world, Youth Forum and Chris Scheupp UNICEF seek out ways in which to collaborate more closely.
  4. Chistine Housell and Jo hill will develop a training program to empower young people to become reporters and developers of their church communities.
  5. Michael Hanssler from the Bellagio for Sustainable Development is able offer a few places on their world wide Journalism training programs run by former Reuter professionals to interested Youth.
  6. To actively seek to ensure Youth Participation at all Summits (not just as flower givers !!!! )

Feedback, suggestions and further information on how this platform could be used by other people at Summits and in communities to any of the speakers please:

E Addresses:
Jo Hill One World
Christine Housel christine,
Chris Scheupp, UNICEF
The One Minute Video Award
Emma Inter Youth
Phil Darley Film producer
Global youth Reporters
Growing up in Cities Growinupincities oneworld
IT Ttraining

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