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Bibliothèque - Publications

La présente publication comprend un ou plusieurs chapitres sur le Volontariat et les TIC.

Nous avons trouvé(s) 6 correspond.

Bilan du SMSI: "Réussite 2011"

Bilan du SMSI: "Réussite 2011"
Publisher: ITU, Author of case study: ICVolunteers. May 2011.

Case Study Use of Technology by Farmers in West Africa
La publication "Réussite 2011" présente plusieurs projets axés sur l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication et mis en œuvre à la suite du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI). Plus...
Cliquer pour télécharger wsis_success_stories_2011.pdf (3.3M)
eBook: Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteerism

eBook: Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteerism
V. Krebs, Sep 2009.

For its 10th anniversary, ICVolunteers has mobilized its international network of volunteers with a call for creative photography. Plus...
A laboratory for new mechanism: Volunteerism as a building block for multi-stakeholder approaches (MSAs)

A laboratory for new mechanism: Volunteerism as a building block for multi-stakeholder approaches (MSAs)
Viola Krebs. Nov 2005.

To many, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process has been a laboratory: Its innovative mechanisms hold the potential to serve as effective models to help shape future UN meetings and summits, as well as other processes involving multiple stakeholders. Plus...
Cliquer pour télécharger visions_in_process_ii.pdf (3.8M)
Volunteers: an essential building block for a society of shared knowledge

Volunteers: an essential building block for a society of shared knowledge
Viola Krebs, Director of ICVolunteers, Focal Point of the WSIS Volunteer Family. Jul 2005.

UN ICT Task Force Series 8: The World Summit on the Information Society: Moving from the Past into the Future
Book available at Download book (1759 K). Plus...
Cliquer pour télécharger wsis_past2future_ebook1.pdf (1.7M)
Volunteer Family Report, phase 1

Volunteer Family Report, phase 1
Dec 2003.

World Summit on the Information Society
Volunteering is one of the clearest expressions of solidarity in action. Plus...
Cliquer pour télécharger report.pdf (697K)
Final Report of the International Symposium on Volunteering 2001

Final Report of the International Symposium on Volunteering 2001
Viola Krebs & Randy Schmieder, Ed.. May 2002.

The ISV 2001 CD ROM report provides a "snapshot" of the first International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) --through the International Symposium on Volunteering (ISV 2001, November 2001), available in three formats: web, CD-ROM and paper. Plus...
Cliquer pour télécharger report.pdf (697K)

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