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Library - Declarations

This section includes official declarations and statements.

We found eight matches.

Message for the International Volunteer Day
By the Secretary-General of the United Nations, BAN Ki-moon. Nov 2011.

5 December 2011
Beginning with the words “We the peoples”, the United Nations Charter reminds us that crafting solutions to global challenges is a job not only for Governments, but for people, communities and civil society. More...

Statement on Cybervolunteering
Dec 2007.

GK3, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 December 2007
We, participants of the GK3, held in Kuala Lumpur from 11 to 13 December 2007, representing organizations from many countries around the world declare the following:. More...

Statement: Conferences and Campaign on Volunteering and ICTs
WSIS Volunteer Family. Nov 2005.

Tunis, Tunisia, 18 November 2005
Message prepared by ICVolunteers, Cibervoluntarios. More...

Message of the Working group on Volunteering and ICTs
Aug 2004.

18th World Volunteer Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 21 August 2004
We, participants in the 18th World Volunteer Conference, held in Barcelona from 17 to 21 August 2004, representing organizations from Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Mali, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, United States declare the following:. More...

Action Plan 2003-2005: Volunteering and ICTs
Dec 2003.

Geneva, Decembre 2003
The extended process of involvement by the Volunteer Family dating back to the Bamako Regional Conference in May 2002, has led us, as a Volunteer Family, to create a Volunteering Action Plan identifying a range of priorities to be implemented between now and Tunis 2005. More...

Language on Volunteering in Official WSIS Documents
World Summit on the Informaiton Society. Dec 2003.

While earlier versions of the Declaration of Principles had made mention of volunteers, some disagreement among governments led to the decision of keeping the mention only in the Plan of Action, under the chapter on capacity building:. More...

Dakar Declaration on Volunteering & ICTs
Oct 2003.

Dakar, 25 Octobre 2003
We, participants in the International Symposium on Volunteering, representing governments, civil society and the private sector, coming from 25 different countries, met in Dakar (Senegal), from 23 to 25 October 2003. More...
Click to Download dakar_en.pdf (151.9K)

Joint Statement from the United Nations Volunteers and the Volunteer Family of the International Civil Society Bureau
Jul 2003.

Statement presented in the Governmental Plenary of the Intersessional Meeting in Paris of the World Summit on the Information Society, 18 July 2003
Paris, 18 July 2003 -- Madam ChairPerson, distinguished members of the Government Delegations, colleagues from the Observers group, Ladies and Gentlemen:. More...
Click to Download paris_fr.doc (24.5K)

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