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Library - Scientific Articles

The present articles have been published in scientific journals.

We found seven matches.

Motivations of cybervolunteers in an applied distributed computing environment: as an example

Motivations of cybervolunteers in an applied distributed computing environment: as an example
V. Krebs. Feb 2010.

Research laboratories and scientific modeling projects often lack computing power to run complex simulation models solely with in-house computing resources. More...
Promotion du bénévolat par l'Etat?

Promotion du bénévolat par l'Etat?
Viola Krebs. Feb 2005.

Dégrèvement fiscal et / ou bonus AVS pour les bénévoles?
Des années de travail avec des volontaires et des bénévoles, ainsi qu'avec des organisations qui gèrent des équipes de bénévoles, me donnent la conviction que la question ne devrait pas être posée en simples termes économiques qu'il s'agisse de bonus AVS, de réductions fiscales ou autres. More...

Anerkennung der Freiwilligen im Sinne eines Austausches, der die Nutzung von Technologien als wirkungsvolle Ressourcen für Freiwilligenprogramme einbezieht
Viola Krebs, translated from English to German by Margit Leonhardt. May 2005.

Ohne Geld, aber nicht umsonst: Freiwilligenarbeit braucht eine andere Kultur der Anerkennung
So wie Anerkennung und das Gefühl, etwas für einen bestimmten Zweck zu tun wichtig für jede Arbeit ist, so ist es umso wichtiger für Freiwilligenprogramme. More...

ICTs and Volunteerism: Volunteers Building and Shaping the Society of Shared Knowledge
Viola Krebs. Nov 2005.

Within the last few years, the use and dissemination of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has changed the way people exchange information and knowledge. More...
Solidarity@Network Society.Int

Solidarity@Network Society.Int
Manuel Acevedo, Consultant, ICT and Development. May 2004.

Volunteering in the Information Society
This paper discusses the topic of volunteering in the Information Society, and in particular, the role of volunteering in relation to information and communications technology (ICT) for human development. More...

Online Power for Volunteer Action
Susan J. Ellis, President, Energize, Inc.. Dec 2003.

One of the unique characteristics of volunteers has always been that they are private citizens and, as such, can cross official jurisdiction boundaries and even national borders in ways that paid representatives of organizations and governments cannot. More...

Capacity Building in the Digital Age through Volunteer Involvement
Susan J. Ellis, President, Energize, Inc.. Dec 2003.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that the first Web site was only introduced in 1991-just think about what has happened in twelve short years! In just over a decade, computers have exploded in capacity, grown smaller in size, and come down in price. More...

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