Volunteerism & ICTs: NorwayNorway at a Glance
Documents:Coming soon!Get Involved with ICVolunteers' Projects in NorwayICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. ICVolunteers has local presence in a growing number of countries, including Norway. We invite you to look over what we are doing in the area. ICVolunteers Projects in Norway:Fight against Landmines 2008-11-12 12:53:55 With two months remaining until the international treaty banning cluster bombs is opened for signature in Norway at the beginning of December, civil society representatives are calling on all States to announce their intent to sign. Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa 2006-07-13 00:00:00 While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa's greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. Conference on Volunteering and ICTs 2003-10-01 00:00:00 Date: 7 December 2003, 9 to 9h30 Moderator: Viola Krebs of ICVolunteers and Focal Point of the WSIS Volunteer Family Reporters: Laila Petrone, Cornelia Rauchberger. Related News:– If it can be done in Norway, it can be done anywhere! - Norsk Elbilforening Thu, 04 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT – If it can be done in Norway, it can be done anywhere! Norsk Elbilforening More... Nyheter, Røde Kors | Struggling to reach those who truly need help learning Norwegian - Fremover Thu, 27 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT Nyheter, Røde Kors | Struggling to reach those who truly need help learning Norwegian Fremover More... Mon, 13 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT Be our guest! Under Dusken More... | ||||||||||||||||||||