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WWV Home / Pays / Kenya

Volunteerism & ICTs: Kenya

Drapeau: Kenya

Kenya en un coup d'oeil

LanguagesEnglish (official), Swahili (national), and several other languages spoken by 25 ethnic groups
ReligionsProtestant, 40%; Roman Catholic, 36%; traditional, 6%; Islam, 16%; others, 2%
EthnicityKikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, Asian, European, and Arab 1%, other 15%
CapitalNairobi, 2,000,000
CurrencyKenyan Shilling (KES)
Phone Codes00-254


Coming soon!

Get Involved with ICVolunteers' Projects in Kenya

ICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. ICVolunteers has local presence in a growing number of countries, including Kenya.

We invite you to look over what we are doing in the area.

ICVolunteers Projects in Kenya:

Programme de bourses pour les minorités
2012-10-23 21:31:57
ICVolontaires fournira des interprètes arabe-anglais afin d'assurer le bon déroulement du Programme de bourses pour les minorités 2012, organisé par le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l'homme (HCDH).
Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation
2010-01-12 15:57:27
The Kofi Annan Foundation hosted 'The Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: One Year Later'.
Handicap International: Diabète Compétences
2008-02-22 18:35:00
Gérer les programmes que Handicap International est en train de développer sur le diabète dans 8 pays nécessite l'organisation d'ateliers réguliers, le rassemblant des participants internes (locales et / ou le personnel expatrié) et des participants externes (réseaux partenaires, consultants .
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