Volunteerism & ICTs: BotswanaBotswana at a Glance
Documents:Coming soon!Get Involved with ICVolunteers' Projects in BotswanaICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. ICVolunteers has local presence in a growing number of countries, including Botswana. We invite you to look over what we are doing in the area. ICVolunteers Projects in Botswana:2nd Geneva Health Forum 2008-01-10 22:26:54 It is my aspiration that health will finally be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for. Related News:Fri, 05 Jul 2024 07:00:00 GMT Essential reforms needed to elevate biometric data protection: Botswana's biometric data security challenges and urgent calls for legal reforms apc.org More... Jumping swamp creature with 8 yellow legs discovered in Botswana. It’s a new species - Miami Herald Sat, 02 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT Jumping swamp creature with 8 yellow legs discovered in Botswana. It’s a new species Miami Herald More... Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:01:20 GMT | ||||||||||||||||||||