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WWV Home / Country / Benin

Volunteerism & ICTs: Benin

Flag: Benin

Benin at a Glance

LanguagesFrench (official), African languages
ReligionsIndigenous 70%, Christian 15%, Islam 15%
EthnicityAfrican 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba, Bariba), Europeans 5,500
CapitalPorto-Novo (official), 177,660; Cotonou (de facto capital) 33,212
CurrencyCFA Franc BCEAO ? (XOF)
Phone Codes00-229


Coming soon!

Get Involved with ICVolunteers' Projects in Benin

ICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. ICVolunteers has local presence in a growing number of countries, including Benin.

We invite you to look over what we are doing in the area.

ICVolunteers Projects in Benin:

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