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Voluntarism: The WOUGNET Experience

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Milton Aineruhanga, Program Officer -- WOUGNET
23 October 2003

3. WOUGNET Objectives

  1. WOUGNET will provide a space to share news, information and activities on women related issues in Uganda. WOUGNET will maintain a mailing list and website for information exchange and dissemination.
  2. WOUGNET will conduct training on how to use email, mailing lists and websites for improved productivity, advocacy, research and other such activities of interest to our members. Training will be provided online or in face-to-face workshops as appropriate.
  3. In partnership or solely, WOUGNET will operate information hubs to exchange information and access points to provide connectivity to organisations without computers and/or connectivity.
  4. WOUGNET will solicit donated equipment and technical support for member organisations.
  5. WOUGNET will develop a team of Internet trainers. This will be achieved by inviting participants from member organisations for training, and in turn, having the participants conduct such training as called upon by WOUGNET.
  6. WOUGNET will conduct research aimed at creating awareness on the status of ICT usage and application by women and on the status of engenderment of ICT policies within organisations and nationally. These research efforts will be used for advocacy directed at changing ICT policies and programmes. The research will be conducted in partnership with WOUGNET members or on a sole basis as appropriate.
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