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ICTs for Africa

Education, Research and Volunteerism applied to Agriculture and Health
Photo © V. Gabriel
Photo © V. Gabriel
21 September 2007

Educational and humanitarian projects in Africa can greatly benefit from good and meaningful use of information and communications technologies (ICTs). Poor infrastructure, lack of economic and social activity, low levels of education and expertise threaten the viability of such projects. Those involved in scientific, educational and humanitarian efforts need to recognize and build their expertise in this area.

On Friday 21st September 2007, educational institutions, governments, non-governmental and international organizations, volunteers and private companies took part in a round table on ICT initiatives in Africa.

The objective of the event was to allow a panel of experts and practitioners to share and exchange expertise, drawn from current ICT projects, and to consider what ingredients have made these projects successful.

The round table discussion focused on a range of current and future initiatives including:

  • The Africa@home project which has enabled the development of a malaria model through volunteer computing, involving CERN, the University of Geneva, African academic institutions and non-profit organizations (ICVolunteers and Informaticiens sans frontières)
  • Research and hands on field projects related to agriculture, research and ICTs in Swaziland and the Sahel region (Senegal and Mali) and the role of academic institutions in developing future projects on agriculture and health.

The round table will also provide a platform of dialogue around funding mechanisms and requirements necessary for solid partnership initiatives involving funding institutions and the private sector.

This conference is organized by ICVolunteers ( an international non-profit organization specialized in the field of communications, in particular languages, conference support and cybervolunteerism. Details of the workshop programme can be found on the ICV website (see

Roundtable location: International Conference Centre, CCV building, room C, 9-11 Rue Varembé, Geneva
21st September 2007

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